Stop wasting ad spend on fraud

Ad fraud is now over $120 billion per year and it's only getting bigger. Generative AI has exploded advertising arbitrage to record levels.

Made-for-advertising (MFA) sites are low quality experiences that steal your ad spend through arbitrage. They do this by abusing information asymmetry throughout the ad ecosystem. Decloak unveils the shady techniques abused by publishers, so you can stop the waste, fraud, and abuse of your ad spend.

Protect ad spend

Decloak key advertising analytics

Make informed ad buying decisions with Decloak, comprehensive advertising metrics that are available nowhere else.

200+ key signals

Decloak attributes like undeclared refreshes, ads rendered off-page, cyclical ad experiences, and hundreds more signals.

1 million+ sites monitored

Decloak covers over a million sites, or add your own for monitoring.

You're in control

We provide the cold, hard, trafficking data. You choose your risk tolerance.

Lower wasted ad spend, both short term and long term

When you Decloak sites to stop wasting ad spend on ad fraud, you're not just saving money today. Every dollar you don't give them today chokes them off from snowballing their arbitrage tomorrow. Their sites exist for no reason other than to siphon your ad spend through arbitrage.

Blocking low quality sites in your campaigns is more important than ever, as pressure from generative AI has publishers panicking for any way to acquire traffic and squeeze out more ad revenue. Far too many have resorted to generating AI slop and arbitraging traffic with it.

Full Transparency, Full Control

Aside the watch lists, blacklists, and whitelists that you can generate and customize, we don't just label a site as MFA or not. We provide the raw signal data, so you can decide what risk levels and ad practices you're comfortable with.

Our pricing model maximizes transparency as it removes any incentive for us to misrepresent traffic as being worthy of your brands. You may even qualify for granular data access to audit results.